January 7, 2021 – Council Minutes
Click Here to Download PDFThe Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Jan 7, 2021. The pledge of allegiance was given by Aliza King and the prayer given Becky Harrison.
The Mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:
Councilman D Burke Present
Councilwoman King Present
Councilwoman Harrison Present
Councilman Datwyler Present
Councilman R. Burke Present
Councilwoman Weight Present
Also present: Mitch Bradley, Chief Tower, attorney Dunn via telephone.
Amend Agenda:
Councilwoman King moved that the agenda be amended to allow for the acceptance of a grant awarded the police department from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. The need for the amendment is due to the notice that the police received Wednesday which needs to be approved by the council prior to January 15 which is before the next council meeting on January 17. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Weight.
The mayor called for a voice poll: All in favor none opposed.
Public Hearing – LID #10:
Jaden Jackson from Keller Engineering presented the three areas in the city which is being proposed for the improvements: Tall Ave, 4th North and 3rd West. He presented a power point slide show highlighting the three areas highlighting the costs for the project and the costs allocated to the residents. Costs for the three are as follows:
Area Project Total Costs Allocated to Residents Disc. of Improvements
Tall Ave 561,000 92,628 Curb, Gutter,Sidewalks,
Water & Sewer Lines
3rd West 71,000 23,230 Curb, Gutter, Sidewalks
4th North 1,011,000 241,836 Curb, Gutter, Sidewalks
Water & Sewer Lines
After concluding his presentation the mayor then turned the time over to the public for their input.
In Favor:
- Nancy Madsen – Tall Ave. Spoke in favor of the project. She hopes the street would have drains to eliminate the water standing in her driveway.
- Steve Abbott – 4th North. Spoke about the location of mailboxes that are currently in the sidewalks. Would they remain there or would they be moved to cluster box stands. Questioned the effect the construction would have on landscape.
- Connie Woods – Tall Ave. Spoke about how the costs assessed to the residents would be assessed: one-time payment or paid over time, interest and terms.
- Thomas Hatch – Tall Ave. Questioned the terms and conditions of the payments, expected time the road would be under construction. And would the road allow for low profile cars to enter/exit.
- Julie Terrell – Annis Hwy. Questioned with her property being on a corner would her existing fence have to be moved?
- Shanelle Bice – 4th North. Also asked about how the assessment would be paid and if the contractor would be allowed to do additional concrete work on her property.
Jaden Jackson and Marv Fielding came forward and addressed the following points raised.
- Tall Ave Drains – 4 drains are being planned, 2 on each side of the road. The location has yet to be set due to the elevations needed.
- Mail boxes – 4th North – The boxes could go either way. Based on a survey of the residents there response is 50/50 to remain in the sidewalks or go to 2/4 cluster box stands.
- Construction Time – Estimated time for each phase would be 60 days. Each area would be done with minimal impact on the residents.
- Fence 4th North – the sidewalk is 4 foot width and the fence in question is 6 feet from the curb, no effect.
- Low profile cars – Road would be torn up but would allow for cars to come/go during off construction hours.
- Payment plan – in the past the term is for 10, 15, or 20 years with interest rate yet to be determined. Prior rates have been under 4%.
- Obtaining Grants to fund the project. Mr. Fielding indicated the improvements are more in the maintenance area and not eligible for grants that he or the Development Co. have found.
- Landscaping – Before and after pictures would be taken and the homeowner would have a final review of the yard with their consent to the work. There is 1 year warranty that follows the work and if anything arises during the 12 month the contractor would be called back to make the necessary change.
Council Discussion:
Councilwoman Weight asked if the improvement on 3rd West is a necessary improvement. Mitch Bradley stated the road without a curb/gutter is causing water to degrade the asphalt. Councilwoman Weight said this is a hard decision to make when you place cost on the citizens to bear.
Councilwoman Harrison asked if the sidewalk on 3rd West could be eliminated. The mayor stated the city goal is to have sidewalks and where there is a sidewalk to the north and south of the property it would make sense to connect the two together with sidewalk.
Councilman D Burke said he knows the costs will affect the residents but having it spread out over the 15/20 years makes it somewhat acceptable.
Councilman Datwyler moved that the city proceed with the next step in the LID process being the drafting of an ordinance with the call for bids. Motion seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes – with reservation on 3rd West noting the no shows of the residents.
Councilman Datwyler Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Weight Yes
The attorney will have a draft copy of the ordinance for council review at the next meeting.
Public Auction Sale Surplus Land – Lot in Hailey Cr:
The mayor reviewed the lot that was being auctioned that was donated to the city by Miles Anderson wherein the lot could be sold or exchanged provided a park would be created and named after Mrs. Elizabeth Thayer. He stated the minimum price of the lot would be $150,000. With that being said he then opened the proceeding for the auction. Mr. Brad Hall indicated he would offer a price of $150,000 for the lot. Asked if there was another other, being none, he then closed the auction and announced Mr. Hall won the auction. Mr. Hall will get with the city to make the arrangements to transfer title and pay the offered price.
Resolution #201-2021 – Agreement to Exchange Property City/County:
The mayor explained the city intends to purchase a motor grader from the county which they have agreed to sell to the city. The resolution informs the citizens of the proposed exchange and that it needs to be published prior to the exchange.
Councilman Datwyler moved resolution #201-2021 be read in title and summary only. Councilwoman Harrison seconded the motion.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Mayor reads the resolution in title and summary.
Councilwoman Harrison moved Resolution #201-2021 be adopted and published January 13, 2021. Motion seconded Councilman Datwyler.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman Datwyler Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Weight Yes
Review of RFQ – Sanitation Proposals:
The mayor stated that Councilman Burke, Councilwoman King, Public Works Director Mitch Bradley and himself received and reviewed the RFQ from 4 sanitation companies: PSI, Eagle Rock, Choice Sanitation, and Trashman. Of the four companies and scoring, Eagle Rock received the most cumulative votes of the four.
Councilman D Burke moved to offer a contract to Eagle Rock Sanitation to be reviewed at the next council meeting. Motion seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman Datwyler Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Weight Yes
The mayor asked Mitch to inform the three companies after we have a contract with Eagle Rock after we have agreement with them.
WWTP – Sewer Blowers:
Scott Humphreys came forward and presented the council with three choices for air blowers to replace one of four blowers at the WWTP. The new blowers are rated to run at a lower decibel than the one that broke. The old blower ran at a 103 dBA while the each of the three replacement blowers are rated to run between 73 to 83 dBA. The preferred unit from Atlas ZL2 30 VCA is rated at 73dBC and costs $26,000. The prices are $24,500, $25,000 and $26,000. The VCA unit runs on a 40 HP motor and the other run on 20 and 30 HP.
Council discussed the various options and concluded that the replacement with a lower decibel rating would help eliminate the noise the neighbors have been complaining about. The estimate life of any of the 3 is rated for 10 years.
Councilman D Burke moved to approve the purchase of the Atlas ZL2 30 VCA for $26,000 seconded by Councilwoman Weight.
The mayor called for a poll of the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman Datwyler Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Weight Yes
Outside Septic Dumps:
Marv Fielding from Keller explained that with the new pressure sewer line being installed there is a problem with the pipe coming into the headworks building. The outside septic dump collector is in the way for the installation of the new pressure line. Discussion was whether to have the septic collector or not. Fielding estimated the septic dumps add 700,000 gallons per year to the system and accounts for 7% of the capacity of the plant. Revenues per year average $70,000 with an associated cost of $30,000 to process. The cost to relocate the collector system is nominal and it was suggested to change the design to allow for easier cleaning. When the new NOVADA system is on line and functioning the capacity use of the septic dumps drops to around 2.0-2.5%. Mr. Fielding stated that the cost to design the septic dump facility would be covered under the existing NOVADA contract and Keller’s would not seek additional fees for the work.
Councilman Datwyler moved to continue with the septic dumps and relocate the collector bin seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Airport Board:
The airport board submitted three names for new board members: Bill Clapp, Blaine Simmons and Brad Blackham. The stated that since he had not talked with the three individuals he would not at this time submit their names for consideration. Item tabled.
Parking Issues at Sweetwater PUD:
Mitch Bradley stated he had received a phone call from one of the residents living at the Sweetwater PUD on 3rd West. The residents want to know why they cannot park on 3rd West. The mayor said the restriction of the parking is in the development agreement and the city code does not allow for parking along city streets in R-2 and R-3 zones. No member of the complex was in attendance and the item tabled.
Firehouse Foundation Grant:
Sam Tower stated the Officer Buono had obtained a grant from the Firehouse Foundation for 8 Zoll AED Plus AED and 8 1st responders kit and accessories for a value of $15,792.59. Tower said the units will be placed in each patrol car. The city needs to approve the grant prior to January 15, 2021 to be eligible for the grant.
Councilwoman King moved to accept the Firehouse Foundation Grant seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor called for a poll of the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman Datwyler Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Weight Yes
Public Comment:
Review and Approval of Minutes:
Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the minutes of December 17, 2020 seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Review and Approval of Bills:
Mitch Bradley had one bill to add to the list for LTAC grant of $500.00. The city needs to process the LTAC grant for the transportation study by January 15 and the only method of payment is via check.
Councilman Datwyler moved to approve the bills including the $500 to LTAC seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for a poll of the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman Datwyler Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Weight Yes
Councilwoman King moved to adjourn seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor called for a poll of the council: all in favor none opposed.
City of Rigby
Jason Richardson, Mayor
David Swager, Clerk
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