October 21, 2021 – Council Minutes

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The mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, October 21, 2021.   The pledge of allegiance was given by Nicole Weight and the prayer given Richard Datwyler.     

The Mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman D Burke   Present   

Councilwoman King  Present

Councilwoman Harrison  Present 

Councilman Datwyler  Present

Councilwoman Weight  Present  

Councilman R. Burke      Absent   

Also present: Chief Tower, attorney Dunn, Mitch Bradley

Public Comment:


Purchase of portable generator  sewer lifts:

Mitch Bradley located a portable generator to power the sewer lift stations in case of power outages along with the wells.  The city had budgeted $40,000 for a portable generator and he located a used one for $18,500 that has been refurbished.

Councilwoman Weight moved to authorize the purchase of the generator for $18,500 seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The Mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:

Councilman D Burke   Yes   

Councilwoman King  Yes

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilman Datwyler  Yes

Councilwoman Weight  Yes  

Surplus Property:

Mr. Bradley stated the city had two vertical shaft pumps that he thought were worthless however an individual has indicated he is looking for pumps of that type.  After discussion the council indicated that the city should hold an auction but it should include other surplus property.  Mr. Bradley will report back on additional equipment that needs to dispose. 

Water Line Extension 4000 E/200 North:

Mr. Bradley presented a contact from HLE for the engineer work and the engineers estimate for the water line extension.  After discussion the contact was referred back to the engineer to re-figure the cost of an 8 inch water line and to exclude engineer fees on contingency lines being these amount do not involve engineer work unless a change order is warranted. 

Councilwoman Weight moved to table the contact seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  All in favor none opposed.

Water Facility Planning Contract:

Keller’s Engineering has proposed a contract to update the city’s water needs.  The base contract is for $80,000 which will be partially funded from the state. The study will assist the city in reviewing its impact fees in the future.

Councilman Datwyler moved to authorize the contact with Keller’s Engineering for $80,000 seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The Mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:

Councilman D Burke   Yes   

Councilwoman King  Yes

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilman Datwyler  Yes

Councilwoman Weight  Yes  

Update Sewer lines/manholes to GIS:

Mitch Bradley presented a contact with Keller’s Engineering for $2,000 to update the city’s sewer lines and manholes.  The map that Mr. Bradley uses has not been updated since 2001.  The mayor questioned why the city is not using the GIS services from the county which the city is paying a monthly fee to use.  Mr. Bradley indicated he had not been able to get in touch with Eric Smith at the county to do so.  Council suggested Mr. Bradley to contact Eric Smith and see if the information that has been down loaded from the crew’s cellphones could be uploaded to the county’s GIS system.

Councilwoman Weight moved to table the item seconded by Councilwoman King.

The mayor called for a voice poll:  All in favor none opposed.

Well #5 Closeout:

Mr. Bradley stated well #5 is up and running and the city needs to officially close out the project. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to close out well #5 project seconded by Councilwoman Weight. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  All in favor none opposed.

Payroll Group Benefit – Globe Life:

The clerk stated that during the city’s insurance open enrollment the representatives from Globe Life made a presentation for employee funded health/life insurance benefits.  Four/five employees have signed up for the benefits.  Globe Life needs a minimum of three employees to allow the city/Globe Life to use the payroll deduction. 

Councilman Datwyler moved to authorize Globe Life Insurance to participate in the city’s as part of the employee insurance program using the payroll deduction seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  All in favor none opposed.

Procurement of Engineering Services:

The clerk indicated he has been approached by two different engineering firms that would like to be included in the city’s listing of qualified engineering firms.  He went on and added that the last RFQ had limited response and he suggested that if the city were to send out RFQ that it be limited to roads, water, sewer and perhaps parks.  The city currently has only two engineers firms that were listed for water and sewer and he felt the list should be expanded.  After discussion, no decision.

Resolution #207-2021 – Investment Authority:

The clerk presented the council with an updated resolution to include two additional investment firms that was approved during the meeting of October 7, 2021.  The resolution includes the two firms which need to be included by the investment firms so they have the authority from the city.  The city also needed to approve the master agreement with MML Investors Services, LLC.

Councilwoman King moved to approve resolution #207-2021 and to execute the master agreement with MML Investor Services seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The Mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:

Councilman D Burke   Yes   

Councilwoman King  Yes

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilman Datwyler  Yes

Councilwoman Weight  Yes  

City Wide Fiber Optics Services:

Representatives from Direct Communications came forward and presented the council with a concept to expand fiber optic services to the residential home not currently be served with fiber optics.  It would roughly cost the city $1 million to which the company would match to cover the city.  Several options were discussed on how to protect the fiber company and the city in terms of payback.  Currently the federal programs being offered under the broadband grants the city does not qualify since it is currently too current and/or has fiber optics available.  The company stressed that the demand for fiber is doubling every year and if the city were too expanded and/or offer fiber it would enhance businesses to locate in Rigby.  The current services are meeting current demand but will the current service being offered be enough in 5+ years.  Conscious among the council was fiber is needed but right now the city does not have the funds to make the investment.  Direct Communications will keep the city up to date on future funding sources as they come available. 

Other Council Business:

Engineering Bidding Considerations:

The clerk reviewed with the council several considerations that he has noted during the last few engineering contracts that need further explanation and/or method of bidding and presenting of bids.  One of the major items was to exclude material costs increases over engineer estimate as a basis to pay the engineer.  Price of material does not involve additional work by the engineer and the contact should express the lower of contractor bid or engineer’s estimate whichever is lower.  Another area of concern was “time on site”.  Time on site means to the lay person actual time spent on the job site.  The engineer generally has been charging time on site includes travel time.  Also time, duration and dates when projects should be included versus X employee at $/per hour equal total.  In a review of other cities contracts the clerk has caught math errors and over billing.  Also engineering fees should never include contingency, mob fees or bond costs which are cost to the contractor but do not involve time or effort expended by the engineer.

Halloween on Main:

Councilwoman King indicated she was hosting the Halloween on Main on October 30 and was looking for someone to assist.  Several council members indicated they would assist her.

Motivational Speaker:

Councilwoman Harrison stated she had been approached to have the city sponsor a motivational speaker coming to Rigby to address violence.  The council expressed support but would like to have more information before committing funds.

On-Call Policy:

Mayor Richardson commented on the city’s on-call policy which pays an employee $1.05 per hour to be available to respond to city needs during off working hours.  One of the conditions was for the employee to be able to respond within 20 minutes.  One employee who is paid and have been paid on-call will be gone for several days and therefore his on-call time will be adjusted to agree with the city policy.  The mayor just wanted to inform the council of this. 

Approval of Minutes:

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the minutes of October 7, 2021 seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  All in favor none opposed Councilwoman Weight abstained.

Review and Approval of Bills:

Councilwoman Weight moved to approve the bills seconded by Councilwoman King.

The Mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:

Councilman D Burke   Yes   

Councilwoman King  Yes

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilman Datwyler  Yes

Councilwoman Weight  Yes  


Councilwoman Weight moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman Datwyler. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  All in favor none opposed

Meeting adjourned: 9:05 pm



    Jason Richardson, Mayor



 David Swager, Clerk

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