NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Rigby has received a recommendation from the city’s planning & zoning commission for the city council to “approve” the Preliminary and Final plat for a proposed 5 commercial office buildings consisting of four commercial office spaces and one larger commercial building.
The proposed development is located at approx. 3980 E 400 North, Rigby. The development consists of approx. 2.26 acres. A copy of the proposed and final plat is available at city hall.
Per city code 10-3-7; “Action by Council”, hereby gives notice that the Rigby City will hold a public hearing on a recommendation it received from the Rigby City’s Planning and Zoning Commission for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat for property located at approx. 3980 E 400 N.
The property is currently owned by Commerce Properties Investments LLC. Project information and a complete copy of the application is available for review at Rigby city hall located at 158 W Fremont, Rigby, ID during normal business hours (9:00-5:00) Mon- Friday.
The public hearing will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 7:00pm at the Rigby City Hall located at 158 W Fremont, Rigby, ID verbal and written comments will be accepted up to and at the hearing. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Be advised there will be a five (5) minute time limit for anyone providing oral testimony. Mailed comments will be accepted through the US Postal Service, hand delivered or via email ([email protected]) if received before 5:00pm Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Rigby, Idaho by and through the City Council will bring on for hearing to obtain public input on the proposed changes to the City’s Administration Code, Planning and Zoning Codes, Traffic and Vehicles Code; Public Ways and Property Code; Water and Sewer Code; Subdivisions Code and Annexation Code and Regulations.
A summary of the code sections being amended are as follows: Title 1 Chapter 1; Title 5 Chapter - 2, 3, 4; Title 6 - Chapter 2, 3,4, 6; Title 7 Chapter 3; Title 7 Chapter 3; Title 8 Chapter 1, 2, 4; Title 10 Chapter 2, 4, 5, 6, 11,12; Title 11- Chapter 2, 5, 6, adding Title 12 Annexation Code.
The full text of the summarized Ordinance No. 2025-649 is available at Rigby City Hall, 158 West Fremont Ave, Rigby, Idaho 83442 in the office of the City Clerk.
Written materials and Letters may be sent to the clerk of the City of Rigby, Idaho, and two days prior to the date of hearing and will be considered at said hearing.
The hearing will be held on the 23rd day of January 2025, at the Rigby City Hall, 158 West Fremont Ave., Rigby, Idaho at the hour of 7:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter, to obtain public input and comment.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Rigby has received a recommendation from the city's planning zoning commission for the city council to "approve" a request for an Annexation and Zone Designation application from Southgate Properties. The city council will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Jefferson School District Administration Office Building at 290 North 3800 East Rigby Idaho.
The Rigby City Council will hold a public hearing on the recommendation it received from the Rigby's Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation “to approve” the application requesting final approval of the Mountain Ridge PUD. The developer is proposing the construction of townhomes with landscaping on the property located at 561 West 1st South and 240 South 5th West. The hearing will be held Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Rigby City Hall.
Per city code 10-3-5: Action by Board/Council, the City of Rigby, Jefferson County, Idaho hereby gives notice that the Rigby City Council will hold a public hearing on the recommendation it received from the Rigby City’s Planning and Zoning Commission for approval of a request to approve for annexation of 60 acres, a preliminary plat for single family homes (R-1) and Multi-family (R-2) and for a planned unit development (PUD) for the Multi-family (R-2) located at 356 N 3800 East, Rigby, Idaho 83442. The public hearing will be held Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 7:00pm at the Rigby City Hall located at 158 W Fremont, Rigby, ID verbal and written comments will be accepted up to and at the hearing. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Be advised that there will be a five (5) minute time limit for anyone providing oral testimony.
The Rigby City Council will hold a public hearing on the recommendation it received from the Rigby's Planning and Zoning Commission to change the zone located at the intersection of West Main and 1st West from School Zone to Commercial Zone. The lot was previously occupied as the Rigby Jr. High School and is being developed by Northwest Development Company. The hearing will be held Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Rigby City Hall.
The Rigby City Council will hold a public hearing to determine whether to proceed with the obtaining of loan obligations for the construction, upgrade and renewal of the sewer collection system/facility and infrastructure within the City of Rigby. The hearing will be held Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 7:00pm at the Rigby City Hall.
Public Notice: Sale of Real Property: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 17, 4 NORTH, 39 E.B.M. Auction will be held January 7, 2021 at 7:00 pm.

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