May 5, 2022 – Council Minutes
Click Here to Download PDFThe Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, May 5, 2022. The pledge of allegiance was given by Val Orme and the prayer given by Richard Datwyler.
The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:
Councilman D Burke Present
Councilman Orme Present
Councilwoman King Present
Councilman Wilder Present
Councilman R. Burke Present via phone
Councilwoman Harrison Absent
Also present: Mitch Bradley, Robin Dunn
Public Comment:
Economic Development:
Expanded Urban Renewal District:
Brent Tolman administrator for the urban renewal agency came forward and presented a power point presentation on expanding the urban renewal district. Mr. Tolman explained the new area which included land not currently annexed into the city. Therefore, the county will need to have a resolution to have the land included in a joint urban renewal district. The general area to be included is the Dansie Property, 60 acres owned by Steven Tanner (not in city), the Henry Subdivision, and land owned by the estate of Dennis Virgin (not in city), and the property owned by R&S Peterson (Sucher Property). The Virgin property is currently being sold and the city would like to have it annexed to connect 5th West from Hwy 48 across the Burgess Canal and through the Henry Subdivision onto South 3rd West. Tolman explained the incremental financing would assist development coming from the new property with the city’s infrastructure. He further stated the criteria as stated in the code which lists 10 criteria the property in question hits 6 of the 10.
Councilman D Burke moved to approve resolution #208-2022 seconded by Councilman Wilder.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman A King Yes
Councilman V Orme Yes
Councilman M Wilder Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Reciprocal Agreement – Urban Renewal and City:
Mr. Tolman reviewed a corrected agreement between the city and the Urban Renewal Agency for reimbursement of funds expended on the south park ballfield improvement. Changes made on the draft copy was the inclusion of pickle ball courts under the general improvements, the city shall give approval of the final construction after prior review and approval from the URA board, and Keller Eng shall provide the agency and the city with periodic reports and updates on the project.
Councilman Orme moved to approve the agreement with the changes as noted seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman A King Yes
Councilman V Orme Yes
Councilman M Wilder Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
City/County Grid System:
Eric Smith from Jefferson County’s GIS department was not in attendance. Ione Hansen came forward and stated the county wanted to re-address the city addresses using the county’s grid system. She and Mike Miller, Jefferson County’s emergency services director met and decided the county grid system being used on the city would not work being the county’s system is in thousand and the city is in hundred. Discussion tabled.
Naming Baseball Diamonds:
Randy Green, city resident along with Michel and Rick Barber, came forward with the names of two Rigby residents who in their earlier careers had achieved success in baseball.
Jack Hawkins born in California was recruited as a pitcher for the New York Yankees baseball organization. He worked his way through the different minor leagues playing the Texas, El Paso, and Idaho Falls before injuring his pitching shoulder and was released by the Yankees. While playing in Idaho Falls he met his future wife, Vila Pearl Lemmon. While pitching, Jack held several records for consecutive strike outs and a 2.3 ERA. After his release from the Yankee organization he and Vila moved back to Rigby where he worked and was a supporter of local sports. Jack died in 2000.
Kent Geisler was another individual who achieved success in minor league baseball. Kent was a right handed pitcher and after graduating from Rigby High was recruited and signed by the Detroit Tigers. He pitched in a number of cities in Canada, North Dakota, and California before a line drive ball injured his knee which caused him to be released by the Detroit Tigers. He came back to Rigby where he met and married his wife Bonnie raised his family. He assisted with little league baseball where he taught Mr. Green how to pitch. He was also supportive of youth sports and involved in Rigby’s baseball organization. He died in 2020.
Jack’s daughter, Jackie, came forward and told stories of her dad working with baseball and his support of the business community. Greg Geisler came forward and related a story where his dad pitching right handed threw a righted handed screw ball.
Councilwoman King moved to name the west ball diamond in the south park after Jack Hawkins and the east diamond after Kent Geisler, motion seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The mayor called for a voice poll of the council: all in favor none opposed.
The mayor asked Mr. Tolman if the urban renewal would make a permanent plaque that not only shows their names but also a history of the two. He was moved by their story.
Impact Fee Study:
Councilwoman King stated the time has come where the city needs to initiate impact fees on new development. Council concurred with the need and discussed the cost of hiring a firm to begin the study. Discussion referenced a presentation conducted by Horrocks Engineers a few months ago where they discussed impact fees and the method the city needed to do to begin the process. The mayor will reach out to Horrocks’ about a second presentation.
Postage Meter Lease:
The clerk presented two options for the lease of a postage meter. Pitney Bowes has a lease for a postage machine for 60 months at $56.91. An option for an auto feed attachment is for 60 months at $141.03. Yost Office Supply has machine similar to the Pitney Bowes for either a 36 month at $75.64 and with an auto feed attachment at $65.56 for 48 months. Comparing the two based on a 36 month lease Pitney Bowes total $2,049 vs. Yost at $2,723. The clerk commented he didn’t feel the auto feed was worth the cost. And the Pitney Bowes machines have been in the office during his term for the past 12 years.
Councilwoman King moved to approve the Pitney Bowes lease without the auto feed device seconded by Councilman Wilder.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman A King Yes
Councilman V Orme Yes
Councilman M Wilder Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
1st Reading of Ordinance #2022-627 – Kartchner Homes:
Councilwoman King moved to read the ordinance in title and summary only seconded by Councilman Orme.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
The mayor reads the title and summary of ordinance #2022-627.
Sugar Mill warranty bond:
Mitch Bradley stated the warranty bond that he got back from Mills Concrete had not been changed with the corrected language and the bond was declined for not meeting city’s acceptance. Mitch and the attorney will met Monday and attempt to contact Edstrom Const to get a warranty on the project.
Teton Height/Ridgeview Estates:
The developers of both Teton Heights and Ridgeview Estates subdivision have requested water service down from 200 N and 4000 East. The subdivisions are within the impact area but are not contiguous to any existing city property and therefore cannot be annexed in at this time. Discussion about having a deed restriction placed on the lots so when and if the subdivisions are contiguous to city property they will be annexed into the city. Mitch Bradley needed guidance from the council to proceed with a will serve letter pending final acceptance of the water line.
Councilwoman King moved to give Teton Heights and Ridgeview Estates tentative approval for a will serve letter pending final approval seconded by Councilman Wilder.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Award Sewer Project:
Mitch Bradley reviewed the bids the city received April 28, 2022 on the sewer project. Two bids were received from HK Contractors for $201,310.75 and Edstrom Construction for $230,556.10.
Councilman D Burke moved to award the 2022 sewer project to HK Contractors in the amount of $201,310.75 seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman A King Yes
Councilman V Orme Yes
Councilman M Wilder Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Separating Wastewater Treatment Project from complete project:
Councilman Orme recapped some of the items that Mr. Humpherys, wastewater operator, was requesting to be pulled from the overall project now versus waiting until the final project is awarded. The mayor indicated he felt the city needed to wait until the grant award is announced from Congressman Simpson office so the city will know which direction and the extent of the project to do. Councilwoman King felt the same. Items Mr. Humpherys was requesting was the agitators and cat walk in the second ox ditch. He commented there have been spikes in the ammonia levels when the septic dumpers drop product. He further stated DEQ was not concerned with the spikes being the city has until 2024 to obtain a new permit. He also stated he needed better water supply for the headworks building and NUVODA screen. When asked why the new need for water he stated the NUVODA system requires more water to clean the screens but they have been doing it with garden hoses. He was also wanting a new UV lighting system as the current system is maxed out which is planned in the new project.
Council general discussion was to wait for the determination from Congressman’s Simpson office and other potential grants before breaking apart the project. Item tabled.
Other Council Business:
The mayor stated he had received an email of a second grant coming from the IAJJ and he would explore that with the Development Company.
Approve of Minutes:
Councilwoman King moved to approve the minutes of April 21, 2022 seconded by Councilman Orme.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor with Councilman R Burke abstaining none opposed.
Review and Approval of Bills:
The clerk noted one change in the bill list: Core & Main has a credit from a prior month which reduced the current bills from $2,246.02 to $1,575.10. Councilwoman King moved to approve the bills as corrected seconded by Councilman Wilder.
The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman A King Yes
Councilman V Orme Yes
Councilman M Wilder Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Councilwoman King moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:20pm
Richard Datwyler, Mayor
David Swager, Clerk
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