November 3, 2022 – Council Minutes

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The Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Nov 3, 2022.   The pledge of allegiance was given by Val Orme and the prayer given Mike Wilder.        

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman D Burke   Present    

Councilman Orme   Present

Councilwoman King  Present 

Councilman Wilder   Present  

Councilwoman Harrison  Present 

Councilman R. Burke      Absent         

Also in attendance:  Mitch Bradley, Chief Fullmer, Attorney Dunn

Public Comment:


Senior Project:

Grace Partridge a senior at Rigby High approach the council concerning her senior project.  She would like to establish a legacy scholarship fund to support young musicians.  She is working to create a non-profit organization to fund the scholarship and is getting other persons involved to continue the scholarship fund as an ongoing concern.  Her goal is to raise $20,000 as the seed money for the scholarship program.  Council discussed the idea and was supportive of it. 

Councilwoman King moved to approve $1,000 in funding and supporting the scholarship fund seconded by Councilwoman Harrison. 

The mayor called for a roll call:

Councilman D Burke   Yes     

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilwoman King  Yes 

Councilman Wilder   Yes  

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes

Special Event – Carlin Anderson:  


Violation of Sanitation Franchise/Ordinance:

The council asked attorney Dunn to recap his efforts in resolving the issue with the county and other business not using Eagle Rock Sanitation per city ordinance.  He stated he had discussed the issue before the county commissioners, informally, and has met and discussed the issue with the private business.  No consensus with either party was reached.  He has obtained two billings from the county showing the vendor they are using to haul their garbage.  After an extended discussion among the council, the attorney was directed to pursue the next step, i.e., legal suit as time is of the essence.

Wastewater Discharge Water Line:

Mitch Bradley stated the council had earlier discussed having the contractor at the wastewater plant submit a change order for the rerouting of the plant’s sewer water that is discharged in the Great Feeder Canal and not go out for bid. He has discussed the project with two other contractors who expressed interest in bidding on the project.  Being the project will likely be more than $500,000 he felt it would be in the best interest of the city to put the project out for bid instead of awarding to a single contractor with a no bid arrangement.  Keller’s would have to add the bid review process to their contract but the city would get the best price under the competitive bid arrangement. 

Councilwoman King moved to go to competitive bid when the discharge line is approved by the Great Feeder Canal seconded by Councilman Wilder.

The mayor called for a roll call:

Councilman D Burke   Yes     

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilwoman King  Yes 

Councilman Wilder   Yes  

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes

Quit-claim Deed -Hailey Creek:

Kartchner’s Home have not replied concerning since their first suggestion.  Mr. Bradley feels the consideration has been dropped.

Close Out LID #10:

Council discussion on closing LID #10 and reviewed the charges incurred during the work on 4th North.  There is a penalty of $79,500 which has been assessed against the contractor and three repairs/damages that total $17,890.90 that the city paid that will be deducted from the final pay to the contractor. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to close LID #10 with the late penalty assessed the contractor be credited to the property owners on 4th North.   Motion seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a roll call:

Councilman D Burke   Yes     

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilwoman King  Yes 

Councilman Wilder   Yes  

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes

5th West – Proceed with redesign/bid:

Mitch Bradley wanted direction from the council on how to proceed with 5th West. The council discussed the need now of either going with the straightening the curve or leaving it. Keller’s has completed one design, but the portion of 5th West abutting Hwy 48 will need to be changed which will require additional engineering work. Councilmember King, Harrison, and Wilder felt it best to table the work for now as the project is not needed nor required currently and ITD will not install a light now if the road is straightened.  Keller to complete the design exclude the bid portion of their work until such time as the city decides to pick up the design and move to bid out the project.

Increase Sewer Revenue Fees:

The clerk reviewed the finances in the sewer revenue fund.  The clerk indicated that for the 2022/23 budget he figured twelve months using a per month/customer fee of $56.00. Being three months have lapsed, the amount needs to be increased to $57.12 effective January 1, 2023. The growth of new homes and connections are slowing down and he feels using the 1,900 connections will not increase much over the next year.  The council discussed the need to increase rates and more may be need later on.   

After discussion, Councilman Wilder moved to call a public hearing for December 1, 2022, with a proposed fee of $58.00 per month per residential user seconded by Councilman D Burke.

The mayor called for a roll call:

Councilman D Burke   Yes     

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilwoman King  Yes 

Councilman Wilder   Yes  

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes

Police Update:

Chief Fullmer reviewed the status of the police camera and door lock grant that is being applied for thru the Dept. of Homeland Security. They are working thru it, and after everything is approved will leave a  balance of $1,500 that the city will be liable for. 

The Main St Trick/Treat appeared to have gone over well with close to 500 individuals involved. 

Brief discussion on the new cars which can be order after January 2023.

Other Council Business:

  • Midnight Madness Parade set for Friday, December 2 at 7:00.
  • Mayor’s Challenge – Mayor Datwyler accepted the challenge to walk 5,000 steps for 30 days and earned a grant of $500.
  • Christmas Party: Councilman D Burke will check with Lil Mikes about catering the dinner in early December or early January.

Review/Approval of Minutes:

Councilman Wilder moved to approve the minutes of October 20, 2022, seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Review and Approval of Bills:

Councilwoman King moved to approve the bills seconded by Councilwoman Harrison. 

The mayor called for a roll call:

Councilman D Burke   Yes     

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilwoman King  Yes 

Councilman Wilder   Yes  

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes

Executive Session:

Councilwoman Harrison moved the council enter into executive session per Idaho Code 74-206(b) – To consider the evaluation of public officer, employee, staff seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a roll call:

Councilman D Burke   Yes     

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilwoman King  Yes 

Councilman Wilder   Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes

Council enters executive session: 8:25 PM

Council exits executive session:  8:50 PM

The mayor asked if there was any discussion/decision hearing none:


Councilwoman King moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman Wilder.

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Meeting adjourned: 8:50pm



   Richard Datwyler, Mayor



David Swager, Clerk

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