May 18, 2023 – Council Minutes

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The mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, May 18, 2023.   The pledge of allegiance was given by Aliza King and the prayer given by Val Orme.          

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilwoman King                         Present      

Councilman D Burke                        Present      

Councilman Orme                            Present     

Councilwoman Harrison                Present

Councilman R. Burke                      Absent     

Councilman Wilder                          Absent

Also in attendance:  Mitch Bradley, Chief Fullmer, Attorney Angell

Public Comment:


Senior Project:

K’breean Weight came forward and requested permission to have a food pantry box located at city hall.  The project is to provide individuals with non-perishable food items on a as needed basis.  The box will be monitored by Ms. Weight, and she would like its placement to be in an inconspicuous location yet easily accessible.  She was thinking in front of city hall near the front entrance.  The council commended Ms. Weight for her concern and thought the food pantry is a good idea. Concern expressed on who you monitor and maintain the food pantry after she completes her senior project.  She will either find a replacement person or notify the council that she will remove the pantry.

Councilwoman King moved to allow the placement of the food pantry in the front of city hall and/or the police department and at the end of her senior project she will readdress the pantry with the council.  Motion seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.

Sunday Beer Sales at Rodeo Grounds:

the rodeo committee has received an application to host a Hispanic rodeo and band concert the evening of June 25, 2023.  The promoters are requesting to sell beer with themselves being the vendor.  The rodeo committee has never had a request to allow anyone but a city beer license holder to dispense beer on a Sunday.  The rodeo committee was asking for the council’s direction and authorization.  Concerns expressed from the council was security, no glass bottles, legality of beer license, having bilingual person available and other concerns.  The attorney will draft a new agreement with the items discussed being addressed. 

Councilwoman King moved to table the decision and request the promoter be in attendance with the revised contract to discuss the event seconded by Councilman Orme. 

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.

Quarterly Interfund Transfers:

The clerk presented the council with a summary of the quarterly interfund transfer that needed to be made for the second quarter.  The transfers are as follows:

General Fund18,750.00 
Water Revenue6,250.00
Sanitation 6,250.00
Sewer Revenue6,250.00
General Fund          3,000.00 
Rigby Airport 3,000.00

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve and authorize the transfers seconded by Councilwoman King.

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.

Consideration of Pay Increase Council/Mayor:

The mayor mentioned the item had been postponed hoping for a complete discussion with all the council present.  But seeing that may not be possible he would like the council to decide this evening and be done with it.  Council D Burke reiterated the figures he mentioned last week for the council pay to be $500 per month and the mayor’s $1,250 per month.  Councilman Orme asked how those figures came to be.  Councilman D Burke indicated they were in the middle range of other cities of comparable size.  Councilwoman Harrison who stated she was opposed to the increase during last weeks meeting moderated her position to a neutral one.   The general sentiment was that having a salary may or may not encourage citizens to seek office, but the general feeling was that serving on the council was a community service.  And, yes, the job does take time out of ones life to serve so some pay consideration should be given. 

Councilman D Burke moved to increase the monthly salary for the council from $300/month to $500/month and the mayor’s salary from $1,000/month to $1,250/month.  Motion seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Resolution Setting Fees for Research and Copies: 

No written resolution was presented but the discussion continued for the need to complete requests for information requests when time more than two hours is expended and copies in excess of 100 pages are required.  The attorney stated Idaho code allows entities to charge when either time is expended past two hours and copies exceed 100 pages.  He suggested the resolution be drafted as “If a response to a public records request can be compiled in less than two hours, there will be no charge for employee time. Any time required to respond to a public records request, in excess of two (2) hours, shall be charged at the pay rate for the least expensive employee that is trained to respond to the public records request.” The council agreed a resolution with the language stated by the attorney to be drafted for the next council meeting. 

Review of March 2023 Financials and Journal Entries:

The clerk reviewed with the council the excel spreadsheet of budgeted and actual revenues and expenditures to March 2023.  He noted the revenues were coming in at 50% of the budget or slightly above.  Expenditures were mostly staying below 50% but for those in the capital improvement fund due to the early expenditure of new equipment in the police and public works department.  The journal entries were recurring recording of internal charges and interest earnings. He noted interest revenues are higher than budget due to two factors:  the mark to market regulation the investments are now being recorded at par or face value as they are maturing, and the city is obtaining higher interest rates. 

Transportation Plan:

The firm of HLE Engineers presented their findings and study on the review of the city’s transportation plan.  The city did not move or approve the study.  The city needs to approve the study.

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the 2023 Transportation Plan seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Change Order – Use of resin in UV channel:

The attorney stated that given the change in the UV channel and the use of epoxy resin the city should document the change with a change order.  Jadin Jackson from Keller’s the appropriate form would be a work change directive that all the parties sign off on. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to direct Keller’s to issue a work change directive with the change in work allowing the use of epoxy resin seconded by Councilman Orme. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

120Water Contract:

Mitch Bradley stated the attorney has reviewed the contract and found nothing of concern with it.  The EPA/DEQ is mandating all cities identify its service lines going into individual homes and businesses.  The firm 120water has submitted a contract for $13,077 in which they will have all the service lines identified and catalogued in compliance with EPA/DEQ due date of 2024. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the contract with 120Water for $13,077 to identify all water service lines for the city seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

WWTP Grit Removal System:

Mitch Bradley stated he had a discussion with Scott Humphrey on the plans for the expansion of the headworks facility.  He told Humphrey that he would not support expanding the headworks facility with debt.  Mr. Humphrey stated that as an alternative to the $4 to $7million expansion a $250,000 grit screen system would be a substitute.  Further discussion between Mitch and Scott indicated two systems may be needed with one being backup system when one went down for repairs and some   engineering may be needed with Automation Works. With the total projected amount needed being around $500,000 to $750,000.  Mr. Bradley stressed the work does not need to be completed under the current contract and would be best if the current construction project was completed prior to even looking at the grit screen system. 

Police Monthly Report:

Chief Fullmer reviewed the March monthly statistical report with the council.   He noted that a suspect in the car burglaries had been arrested.  The Rigby Urban Renewal Agency has agreed to reimburse the city one-half of the cost of the masonry work needed in the evidence room.  The K-9 cage is 30 days out and Officer Durkin has agreed to be the K-9 handler. 

Proclamation – National Gun Violence Awareness Day:

The mayor read the proclamation declaring June 2, 2023, be National Gun Violence Awareness Day.

Resolution #217-2023– American with Disabilities Act:

The needs to affirm its commitment to the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 with via a resolution. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to read resolution #217-2023 in title and summary seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.

The mayor reads resolution #217-2023 title and summary. 

Councilwoman King moved to approve and adopt Resolution #217-2023 seconded by Councilwoman Harrison. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Ad in Newspaper:

The mayor stated he has been approached by the newspaper to have the city advertise in the summer guide.  The city has an inside two-page ad.  He opened the floor for discussion.  Councilman D Burke stated he never sees the guide but for the ones the paper leaves in the front foyer. He does not see them in the doctors or other offices in the city and feels it’s a waste of money.  Councilwoman King said she likes a print copy. 

Councilwoman King moved to approve the city purchasing a two-page ad in the newspaper seconded by Councilman Orme.    

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        No     

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Approval of Minutes:

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the minutes of May 4, 2023, seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed with Councilman Orme abstaining.

Review and Approval of Bills:

Councilman Orme moved to approve the bills for payment seconded by Councilman D Burke.

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        Yes     

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Executive Session:

The attorney has requested the council hold an executive session per Idaho code 74-206(f).   Councilwoman King moved that the council enter executive session per Idaho code 74-206(f) seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilwoman King                         Yes       

Councilman D Burke                        Yes     

Councilman Orme                            Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Council enters executive session: 8:40pm

Council exits executive session: 8:55pm


Councilwoman Harrison move for council to adjourn seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.



                                                                Richard Datwyler, Mayor



 David Swager, Clerk

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