February 17, 2022 – Council Minutes

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The Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Feb 17, 2022.   The pledge of allegiance was given by Val Orme and the prayer given Doug Burke.      

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman D Burke   Present   

Councilman Orme   Present

Councilman R. Burke      Present   

Councilwoman Harrison  Present 

Councilwoman King  Present  

Councilman Wilder  Present

Also present:  Mitch Bradley, Robin Dunn, Sam Tower

Public Comment:

Austin Farmer:  Commented on the scheduling of the baseball fields.  The process that happened last year did not work, they were always reserved for the softball teams and the hardball teams were blocked out from using them for practice.  City needs to find a better way of scheduling so as not to favor one over the other.   One or two fields need to be set up for 60/90 regulations

Steve Stapleton:  Has been a coach of the traveling baseball teams for the past three years.  For the Rigby teams to practice they had to travel out of the city to practice. The reservation schedule had the fields reserved for the softball teams and a lot of the time they were reserved but not used.

Aliza King indicated she would be willing to do the scheduling this coming season.

2nd Reading – Ordinance #2022-626:

Councilwoman King moved to read in title and summary only Ordinance #2022-626 seconded by Councilman Wilder.

The mayor reads the title and summary of the ordinance.

Financial Statements – Dec 2021:

The clerk reviewed the Dec. 2021 financial statements with the council using an excel spreadsheet recapping actual/budget revenues and expenditures.   He also reviewed the journal entries made for the period. 

Wastewater Treatment Plant Loan:

The clerk mentioned that he had expended all of the saving in the wastewater treatment plant account paying for the engineer’s design fees.  He had contacted the Development Co. about getting partial funding from the loan committed by USDA-RD but was told we couldn’t access any of those funds until a construction contract was in hand.  They did reach out to the Army Corp of Engineers and the corp will fund the grant commitment of $600,000.  With those funds it would help cover the deficit in the WWTP fund.

Interfund Transfers:

The clerk stated the transfers were quarterly transfers per budget. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to authorize the interfund transfers as shown below, seconded by Councilwoman King.

Quarterly Interfund Transfers:
General Fund18,750.00 
Water Revenue 6,250.00
Sanitation 6,250.00
Sewer Revenue 6,250.00
Capital Improvement Fund      100,000.00 
General Fund      100,000.00
Capital Improvement20,000.00
General Fund 6,000.00

The mayor called for a roll call vote: 

Councilman D Burke   Yes    

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilman R. Burke      Yes   

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilwoman King  Yes  

Councilman Wilder   Yes

Document Scanner System:

The clerk stated they were running out of filing storage for the utility files.  To add additional space would require remodeling the office for around $5,000 to 7,500.  As an alternative he looked into using a digital system.  Caselle, the current accounting software company the city uses, has a document management system which enables the city to scan the files including building and zoning files and store them on their system which we can access everything that had been scanned.  The cost would be $5,000 plus a desktop scanner for use at the front desk for around $400.  One aspect of the document management system would be to scan the utility files but it would also enable the city to scan and retrieve copies of account payable invoices as they are entered.  Council was supportive to proceed. 

Change Order LID #10:

Mitch Bradley said he had received an email from Avail Const stating they would either replace the water parts they used from the city’s inventory or allow a credit ($4,066.98) from their final billing equal to what the parts used cost.  With that written acknowledgment in hand he requested the council approve the change order in the amount of $31,045.27.  Mr. Bradley indicated he wanted the parts replaced versus the credit. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approval of the change order in the amount of $31,045.27 seconded by Councilwoman King. 

The mayor called for a roll call vote: 

Councilman D Burke   Yes    

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilman R. Burke      Yes   

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilwoman King  Yes  

Councilman Wilder   Yes

Sugar Mill Subdivision:

Mitch Bradley and the attorney updated the council on the curb issue in the Sugar Mill subdivision.   The city and the contractor have come to agreement to issue a performance/warranty bond to cover the incorrect curb that was installed.

Award City Park Engineering Contract:

HLE Engineers have proposed an engineering contract for the work to be done in the city park in the total lump sum not to exceed, $22,500. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the contract to HLE for the engineering work in the city park seconded by Councilwoman King.

The mayor called for a roll call vote: 

Councilman D Burke   Yes    

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilman R. Burke      Yes   

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilwoman King  Yes  

Councilman Wilder  Yes

Award Construction Contact for Waterline 4000 E & 200 North:

Mitch Bradley presented a summary of the bids the city received to install the water line on 4000 E and 200 North.  The low bidder, out of 4, was Edstrom Const in the amount of $244,281. 

Councilwoman King moved to award the construction contract to Edstrom Const in the amount of $244,281 seconded by Councilman Wilder. 

The mayor called for a roll call vote: 

Councilman D Burke   Yes    

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilman R. Burke      Yes   

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilwoman King  Yes  

Councilman Wilder  Yes

Transportation Plan Study Agreement:

Mitch Bradley presented the council with an agreement between the city and Idaho Transportation Dept wherein the city will pay 7.34% of the proposed cost ($103,189) $7,574.07 as its matching share of the project.  The transportation plan project the growth of the city and issues with traffic flows in planning future development.

Councilwoman Harrison moved to authorize the mayor to sign the agreement with ITD seconded by Councilwoman King.

The mayor called for a roll call vote: 

Councilman D Burke   Yes    

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilman R. Burke      Yes   

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilwoman King  Yes  

Councilman Wilder  Yes

Other Council Business:

  • Broulim’s Grant:  Broulim’s Fresh Foods,  Inc presented the city with a donation for the police department in the amount of $3,006.41.  The donation was solicited by Broulim’s from their customers during their checkout.  The donation was limited to “support and applied to necessary purchases and obligations that the Rigby Police Dept may have”.  The police have indicated they are in need of Tasers which they ordered from Axon Enterprise in the amount of $2,828.86.  The police stated they would like to use the balance of the donation ($177.55) for ammo. 
  • Museum: Val Orme stated the museum board thanks the city for its support of the museum.  He noted the county has removed support from the museum.  The museum also asks if the city would assist them in getting signage along the north entrance to direct motorist to the museum.
  • Jenny Campbell:  Aliza King stated Jenny Campbell will be coming at the next council meeting to host a fund raiser for the youth.

Approval of Minutes:

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the minutes of Feb 3, 2022 seconded by Councilman Wilder. 

The mayor called for voice poll:  all in favor none opposed with Councilwoman King abstaining.

Review and Approval of Bills:

The clerk stated one invoice payable to Jefferson County Road/Bridge in the amount of $573.52 needed to voided as the invoice was entered twice. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to authorize payment of bills less the $573.52 seconded by Councilman Orme.

The mayor called for a roll call vote: 

Councilman D Burke   Yes    

Councilman Orme   Yes

Councilman R. Burke      Yes   

Councilwoman Harrison  Yes 

Councilwoman King  Yes  

Councilman Wilder  Yes


Councilwoman King moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman D Burke.

The mayor called for voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:25 pm



    Richard Datwyler, Mayor



 David Swager, Clerk

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