May 19, 2022 – Council Minutes

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The Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, May 19, 2022.   The pledge of allegiance was given by Mike Wilder and the prayer given Aliza King.        

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman D Burke   Present   

Councilman Orme   Present

Councilwoman King  Present 

Councilman Wilder   Present

Councilman R. Burke      Absent      

Councilwoman Harrison  Absent

Also present:  Mitch Bradley, Robin Dunn

Public Comment:


Planning Zoning:

City County Grid System – Cancelled.

2nd Reading Annexation Ordinance #2022-627 – Kartchner Homes:

Councilwoman King moved to read ordinance #2022-627 in title and summary only, seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Mayor reads summary of ordinance #2022-627.

Councilman D Burke moved to suspend the third reading and moved to approve and publish ordinance #2022-627 in title and summary seconded by Councilman Wilder. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman D Burke – aye

Councilwoman King – aye

Councilman Orme- aye

Councilman Wilder- aye

Quarterly Interfund Transfers:

The clerk reviewed the quarterly interfund transfers that needed to be made for the quarter ending March 31 as follows:

General Fund   18,750.00 
Water Revenue    6,250.00
Sanitation Fund    6,250.00
Sewer Revenue    6,250.00

Councilwoman King moved to approve the interfund transfers seconded by Councilman D Burke.

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman D Burke – aye

Councilwoman King – aye

Councilman Orme- aye

Councilman Wilder- aye

Financial Report:

The clerk reviewed the March 31, 2022 financial statements and journal entries.  An excel worksheet recapped budgeted revenues and expenditures with actual expenditures to date.  Revenues to date were exceeding or matching budgeted revenues and actual expenditures were running below budget for most of the funds but for internal service fund.  The internal service fund was running at 76% of budget due to winter work being performed on the equipment. 

Sugar Mill Warranty Bond:

Mitch Bradley came forward and stated he had attempted to call both Mills Concrete and Edstrom Const regarding the status of the warranty bond on the curb/gutter project in the Sugar Mill subdivision.  Neither party answered the phone. He left voice messages that the warranty bond needed to be issued to the city.

After council discussion, council directed the attorney to issue a formal letter to both Mills Concrete and Edstrom Construction to inform them that building permits would be held until a warranty bond was issued and accepted by the city.

Update on WWTP Project Funding:

Kristine Staten representing the Development Company came forward and indicated there had not been any notice of further funding/granting from the agencies she had been in contact with.  She indicated the grant from Congressman’s Simpson office was being delaying until mid-June. 

Study on Impact Fees:

The mayor stated he had called Horrocks Engineering about coming before the council and updating the council on impact fees.  Horrocks indicated the city needed to identify the areas where the city felt the fees should be addressed.  He further stated that two other engineering firms had contacted him but he felt going with Horrocks would be the most appropriate being they indicated their fee would be under the $50,000 threshold for public works bidding and given their previous involvement with the city.  Horrocks indicated they would do a work meeting on Thursday, May 26 starting time up to the council. Council discussion decided Thursday, May 26 at 7:00pm would work the best.  So moved.

Police Officer Advancement:

Councilwoman King stated Officer Cruz had been promoted to senior patrolman.

City Comp Plan:

Councilman Wilder stated that during the planning zoning public hearing a couple of the board stated issues beyond the planning zoning authority and suggested they have a training session on the role of the planning zoning commission.

He also stated the city’s comp plan needed to be brought up to date as soon as possible as the existing plan is out dated. 

Review and Approval of Minutes:

Councilwoman King moved to approve the minutes of May 5, 2022 seconded by Councilman Orme.

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Review and Approval of Bills:

Councilwoman King moved to approve the bills for payment seconded by Councilman D Burke.

The asked for a roll call poll:

Councilman D Burke – aye

Councilwoman King – aye

Councilman Orme- aye

Councilman Wilder- aye


Councilwoman King moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00pm



    Richard Datwyler, Mayor



 David Swager, Clerk

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