June 20, 2024 – Council Minutes

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Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, June 20, 2024.   The pledge of allegiance was given by Tim Howe and the prayer given by Mike Wilder.         

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilwoman Hillman Present    

Councilman Howe Present

Councilman Stone Present  

Councilman Wilder Present  

Councilwoman Harrison Absent  

Also present:  Mitch Bradley, Allen Fullmer and Sam Angell 

Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation: 

The mayor asked Val Orme to step forward.  He presented Mr. Orme with a certificate of appreciation for his service to the city council. 

Amend Order of Business: 

Councilman Howe requested to amend the agenda to address a matter regarding the lot clearing for the new proposed municipal shop building. This action item has become time-sensitive and cannot be deferred until the July 18 meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.  

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed. 

Public Comment: 

Barbara Monroe handed out a listing of complaints she has filed against the city since moving here nothing has been done to address those complaints. 

Wayne Rogers handed out various papers to each of the council and city attorney concerning the city’s violation of his 1st and 14th amendment rights.  

Public Hearing – Zone Change 130 E 1st South: 

Matt Lund representing Rigby Ace Hdw. came forward and explained the store needed a zone change to reconfigure the parking lot for the Ace Hdw. store and the zone needed to be commercial to allow for the reconfiguration.  

Public Comment: None

Council Discussion:  Consensus discussion among the council was the change was needed for the store. 

Councilman Stone moved to approve the zone change from industrial to commercial seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilwoman Hillman Yes     

Councilman Howe Yes

Councilman Stone Yes  

Councilman Wilder Yes

Public Comment:   

One person in attendance failed to get recognition during public comment and wished to address the council.  Councilman Howe moved to open public comment to allow her to speak seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.  The mayor asked for a poll of the council all in favor none opposed. 

Marie Mclean is opposed to the proposed engineering fee on Rigby Lake Road being paid by the city and or the  county either through tax dollars or through grants. 

Fireworks Permits: 

The clerk presented the council with a number of vendors wishing to sell fireworks for the upcoming 4th July event.  Councilman Wilder moved to approve the listing for the issuance of a firework permit seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.  

The mayor asked for a poll of the council all in favor none opposed. 

Rigby Lake Drive – Proposed Preliminary Engineering Design: 

Mitch Bradley stated the county had approached the city about going together to work out a plan for the upgrading of Rigby Lake Dr.   The county did not have an engineering firm, so they deferred the selection of an engineer to the city which was given to Keller Engineering to come up with a design fee.  After three meetings with the county, including one where the county wanted to expand the design to include the road from 460 N into Jefferson Lake, then they backed out of the agreement.  Prior to the county reneging on their agreement, Mitch stated the city would take full responsibility for Rigby Lake Dr. once it is brought up to city standards (curb, gutter, sidewalks and streetlights) which was the reason for the city to seek a road design.  The city is applying for a grant to fund the design of the road, but the grant funding would be more favorable if the county were to sign on to the project.  The council discussed the road and the problems that will be encountered in future years with traffic once development occurs.  Some of the council expressed reservations about the city/county “assisting” the developer and if this will set precedent for future developments.  Mitch later explained the design will be funded by a grant, if the grant is approved then the design will go forward, if the grant is not approved then the design will not be done.  

After further discussion, Councilman Howe moved to approve the design agreement if the county were to sign on to the project and subject to the grant being awarded for the project.  Councilman Stone amended the motion to set the design is for the preliminary design.  Councilman Stone then seconded the motion.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilwoman Hillman Yes     

Councilman Howe Yes

Councilman Stone Yes  

Councilman Wilder Yes

Tijuana Sound: 

Christian Ceja is requesting permission to host the Tijuana Sound concert and rodeo to be held Sunday July 21.  Carl Anderson, rodeo board member, stated they had a few instances from last year and they have been addressed this year.  Chief Fullmer stated they provide their own security for the concert.  Rigby does have an officer patrol the event and they make a contribution last year to the police reserve fund.  

Councilman Stone moved to approve the concert/rodeo seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.  

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed. 

Land Clearing – Municipal Shop: 

Mitch Bradley stated he was waiting for a second bid to have the lot for the new municipal shop built cleared off but the vendor that submitted the proposal indicated they have a few days coming up which they could do the work and the bid proposal was not an open term.   Mitch stated he had expected the price to be around $30,000 but the one price from Jerome Bowen Const for $16,172 is below what he had anticipated.  He was therefore requesting approval from the council to approve the bid of $16,172 to Jerome Bowen Const. 

Councilman Howe moved to approve the bid to Jerome Bowen Const. seconded by Councilman Wilder.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilwoman Hillman Yes     

Councilman Howe Yes

Councilman Stone Yes  

Councilman Wilder Yes

Review and Approval of Minutes: 

Councilwoman Hillman moved to approve the minutes of June 6, 2024, seconded by Councilman Howe.  

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed. 

Review and Approval of Bills: 

The stated he needed to add two invoices to the approval list:  Jefferson County R&B for gas $1,735.68 and to Rigby Rodeo for added money to the rodeo for $3,000.  

Councilman Howe moved to approve the bill list with the two aforementioned bills being added seconded by Councilman Wilder.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilwoman Hillman Yes     

Councilman Howe Yes

Councilman Stone Yes  

Councilman Wilder Yes


Councilman Wilder moved to adjourn seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.  

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor 

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM



Richard Datwyler, Mayor



David Swager, Clerk 

Passed on a voice poll during the July 18, 2024, regular council meeting with three in favor one abstention. 

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