January 9, 2025 – Council Minutes

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Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025.  The pledge of allegiance was given by Tim Howe and the prayer given by Reed Stone.       

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman Espinosa Present 

Councilman Howe Present 

Councilwoman Harrison Present   

Councilman Stone Present    

Councilman Wilder Present  

Councilwoman Hillman Absent    

Also present: Sam Angell, Mitch Bradley and Allen Fullmer 

Public Comment: 


Parcel Split – Rigby Produce and PPI: 

Ione Hansen, Planning Zoning Administrator, presented the findings and facts concerning the reason for the lot split as being requested. No change in zoning or use will occur and the buildings are essentially two different buildings falling under the same zone.  The planning and zoning commission recommended approval for the lot split.  The council discussed the lot split with public works Bradley commenting on the easement.  

Councilman Wilder moved to approve the lot split seconded by Councilman Espinosa.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

Addendum to Residential/Commercial Collection Services Contract Agreement:  

Eagle Rock Sanitation, came before the council on July 18, 2024 to request an amendment to their contract.  The original contract has a 5-year fixed price per unit dump fee.  Given the recent increase in the cost of diesel and parts, he was proposing new rates for garbage pickup for both residential and commercial.  The overall rate increase is 20%.  The amended contract/agreement is completed and has been reviewed by the city attorney.  The agreement adds the new rates that Eagle Rock was seeking along with the addition of “all businesses, institutions, public entities owning property located in the boundaries of the City of Rigby”.  And a modification in paragraph #4 that businesses, institutions, and public entities are prohibited from contracting with other parties for solid waste.  

Councilman Stone moved to accept and authorize the amendment to Eagle Rock Sanitation agreement seconded by Councilman Wilder.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

LID #11 – Engineering Service Contract: 

The mayor stated that the recently approved development on the west end of 1st North requires upgrades to the streets, curb and gutter, and water service lines. An engineering review is necessary to propose cost estimates for these developments and improvements. Keller’s has submitted a proposal to design, assist in bidding, and construct approximately 564 linear feet of roadway and related service improvements for a total of $104,565. The mayor emphasized that this preparation is in anticipation of when the developer initiates the project, ensuring that the city is ready to integrate both components, as the process of establishing a Local Improvement District (LID) is protracted and necessitates public hearings prior to the commencement of construction.

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve and authorize the agreement with Keller Engineering for the LID #11 project seconded by Councilman Stone.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

Review and Approval of Minutes: 

Councilman Stone moved to approve the minutes of December 19, 2024, seconded by Councilman Howe.  

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Review and Approval of Bills: 

The clerk noted two changes in the bill list as mailed out.  The addition of $37.40 to the US Treasury for the 4th quarter 941 report and the deletion of $450 from the Rigby Chamber of Commerce bill. 

Councilman Howe moved to approve the bills with the noted changes and deletion seconded by Councilman Espinosa.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

Executive Session: 74-206(a) – consideration of hiring a public official.

Councilwoman Harrison moved for the council to enter executive session per Idaho Code 74-206(a) consideration of hiring a public official, seconded by Councilman Stone.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

Council enters executive session: 7:36 pm

Council exits executive session: 8:12 pm

Council discussion/decision: 

Councilman Stone moved to hire Kiesha Keller as the city clerk/treasurer seconded by Councilman Espinosa.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

Councilwoman Harrison moved for the mayor to offer K. Keller an annual salary of $55,000 seconded by Councilman Howe.  

The mayor asked the clerk to poll the council: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes


Councilman Wilder moved the council adjourn seconded by Councilman Stone.  

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Council adjourned: 8:15 pm

City of Rigby 


Richard Datwyler, Mayor



David Swager, Clerk 

The minutes of January 9, 2025, were approved at a regular council meeting held January 23, 2025, with a voice poll of 5 in favor none opposed. 

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