January 6, 2022 – Council Minutes
Click Here to Download PDFThe Mayor Richardson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Jan 6, 2022. The pledge of allegiance was given by Richard Datwyler and the prayer given Roarke Burke.
The chair asked the clerk to call the roll:
Councilman D Burke Present
Councilman Datwyler Present
Councilwoman King Present
Councilwoman Weight Present
Councilman R. Burke Present
Councilwoman Harrison Present
Also present: Sam Tower – Mitch Bradley – Robin Dunn
Review and Approval of Minutes:
Councilman Datwyler moved to approve the minutes of Dec 16, 2021 seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed with Councilman R Burke abstaining.
Review and Approval of Bills:
Councilwoman Weight moved to approve the bills seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for a poll of the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman Datwyler Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Weight Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Mayor Richardson expressed his gratitude to the city’s staff and council members for their work and dedication to community.
The city clerk then swore in Mayor-elect R Datwyler into the office of city mayor.
Mayor Datwyler presented out- going Mayor Richardson with a plaque of appreciation for his service to the city. Mayor Datwyler also presented out-going council member Nicole Weight with a similar plaque of appreciation and thanked her for her service to the city.
Swearing in New council members:
The mayor then swore in Val Orme and Becky Harrison as city council members. Councilmember-elect Wilder was out of town and will be sworn in at the next city council meeting.
Council President:
Councilwoman King moved to nominate Councilman D Burke and Councilwoman Harrison to be council president. Councilman V Orme seconded the nominations.
The mayor then called for a vote on the nomination of Councilwoman Harrison.
Councilman D Burke No
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Orme Yes
Councilman R. Burke No
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Amend order of Agenda:
Councilwoman Harrison moved to amend the order of the agenda to allow the swearing in of a new planning zoning member. Motion seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
The mayor then asked if Lacy Post would come forward to be sworn into office of member of the planning zoning commission. The mayor then swore in Lacy Post to the planning zoning commission.
Committee Assignments:
The mayor recapped the various board and departments that the city code listed and discussed the various positions. After discussion among the council the following assignments were suggested.
Rodeo committee -King
Library board- Harrison
Airport board- D Burke
Police- V Orme
Finance – Harrison
Parks – King
Streets and alleys – R Burke
Water and sewer – R Burke & Harrison
Planning/Zoning – M Wilder
Rigby urban renewal agency – D Burke
Farnsworth historical museum – Orme
Rigby senior citizens center – King
Councilwoman King moved to accept the assignments seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Public Comment:
The mayor then asked if there was any member of the public wishing to speak. Being none the council suggested that in the future a better explanation be provided the public comment period.
3rd Reading of Ordinance #2021-625:
Councilwoman King moved to read in title and summary only ordinance #2021-625 seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor reads the summary of ordinance #2021-625 in title and summary.
Councilman D Burke moved to adopt and publish ordinance #2021-625 in title and summary seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for poll of the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Orme Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Development Agreement – B Lott:
Mitch Bradley presented a development agreement with Brian Lott and the city for the extension of water to the Lynnco Acres Subdivision. Brian Lott will reimburse the city $114,500 as his share for the water line on 200 N and 4000 East. In addition a come-late agreement was pay back to Brian Lott a maximum of $65,000 over a 20 year period for anyone who connects to the water line on either 200 North or 4000 East.
Councilwoman Harrison moved to accept the agreement seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for poll of the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Orme Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Engineer Contract Lynnco Acres Subdivision:
Mr. Bradley asked that the contract with HLE be tabled at this time to allow him to review the contract with the engineer.
Councilwoman Harrison moved to table any action on the item seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Engineer Contract – Sewer Collection 3rd West and Blaine St:
Mr. Bradley reviewed the need to have two sections of sewer lines replaced. One of the lines on 3rd West is the old concrete line and has had two sewer backups in an individual home. Council reviewed the contact asking clarification on several items. The clerk questioned the need to have an engineer review the work which was limited to 4 hours per week for a 4 week period on a 7 month contract.
Councilwoman King moved to approve the contract with Keller Engineering for $26,900 seconded by Councilman Orme.
The mayor called for poll of the council:
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Orme Yes
Councilman R. Burke Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Nominations Urban Renewal Board:
The mayor read and reviewed several names that the urban renewal board had submitted for the replacement of Mrs. Marler who has moved out of the city. The mayor and Councilman D Burke would like to call and talk to the individuals on the list and will make a recommendation at the next council meeting.
Reappointment of Hall and Abbott:
The terms of Adam Hall and Steve Abbott who serve on the urban renewal board has expired and they have both expressed a desire to serve.
Councilwoman King moved to accept the reappointment of Adam Hall and Steven Abbott to the urban renewal board seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Police New Hires:
The police chief informed the council that he has hired two new officers: John Erickson and Dustin Parkinson both of whom will be going to POST.
Liquidated Damages on Contracts:
Councilman D Burke mentioned the $500 per day fee that is assessed contractors when they miss the closing date of project should be raised. Council discussed various amounts. Mitch Bradley stated he did not want the fee increased to an amount that a contractor would begin doing shoddy work to avoid the penalty. It was also discussed using a percentage of the contract which would increase as the dollar of the contract rose.
Councilwoman King moved to adjourn seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Meeting adjourned: 8:41pm
Richard Datwyler, Mayor
David Swager, Clerk
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