February 16, 2023 – Council Minutes
Click Here to Download PDFThe Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Feb 16, 2023. The pledge of allegiance was given by Becky Harrison and the prayer given by Aliza King.
The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:
Councilman Orme Present
Councilwoman Harrison Present
Councilman D Burke Present
Councilwoman King Present
Councilman R. Burke Arrived 7:05pm
Councilman Wilder Absent
Also in attendance: Mitch Bradley, Chief Fullmer, Attorney Angell
Amend Agenda:
Councilman Orme moved to amend the agenda to allow the executive session 74-206(f) to be discussed prior to public comment. Councilwoman King seconded the motion.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Public Comment:
Barbara Monroe – expressed her frustration with her neighbor’s dog attacking her dog and the police not following up. She also was not informed as to the cost of city utilities when she moved into Rigby and the lack of information being provided to disabled individuals. Felt the flat rate utility system is unfair to single person households versus larger families all paying the same rate.
Scholarship Fund:
Councilwoman Harrison explained the scholarship program initiated by Grace Partridge and the issues she was having to obtain the IRS exempt tax status.
Councilwoman Harrison moved to allow the city to sponsor the scholarship fund in the amount of $1,000 to the individual who will be awarded the music award for this year. Motion seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Pat Scott – Celebrating 2023:
Ms. Scott discussed the need for participation in the Lions Club and the volunteer work they do for the community. She also presented, via a handout, of the important historical events that will be coming up in 2023 for the city, county and state. She was asking that the city become more involved in the events and historical celebrations as they come up.
Executive Session:
Councilwoman King moved that the council into executive session per Idaho Code 74-206(f) seconded by Councilman Orme.
The mayor called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Council enters executive session: 7:23pm
Council exits executive session: 7:32pm
Request for Qualifications-(RFQ) Engineering Services:
Mitch Bradley stepped forward and reviewed the draft copy of the proposal that will be sent to the engineering firms. Council reviewed the draft and made one correction and approved going forward.
Purchase of Lawn Mower:
Mitch has looked at replacing the two lawn mowers the city currently has. They are at the end of their life cycle and he had budgeted replacing them. He looked at a John Deere mower, but the guys felt it would not hold up to the amount of mowing the city does. They reviewed the Kohler Command Pro mower and felt it would be a better fit for the city. The mowers will have a 35 hp Kohler engine and a 60-inch mow deck. The price each is $14,632.85.
Councilwoman King moved to authorize the purchase of two Kohler Command Pro mowers at the price of $29,265.70. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The mayor called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
LID #10 – Set term, rate interest, call for payment of assessment:
Marv Fielding stepped forward and stated they had corrected the assessments regarding LID #10 from assessments sent December, 2022. All the assessment had a reduction in assessed fee but for three. One resident actual frontage was more than was shown on the GIS and her assessment did increase to reflect actual footage.
Councilman Orme asked about the information contained in the packet indicating the assessment roll that was mailed in December “as prepared by the city clerk and Keller…” Mr. Fielding responded that was in error the city clerk only added the credits from the penalty assessed the contractor and the assessment rolls were prepared by Keller’s and not the city clerk.
Council discussed the rate of interest to be charged. The clerk stated the other two LID have an interest rate of 2% and a term of 20 years. Councilwoman Harrison questioned why the city should charge any interest. Other councilmembers felt the city should be consistent with LID #10 as it was with the other two. Call for payment prior to when the interest would be assessed, the clerk said normally 45 days. Councilwoman Harrison felt 90 days would allow individuals more time in which to pay their assessment without having to pay interest.
Councilwoman King moved to assess 2% annual interest, with a term of 20 years and call for the payment of 45 days prior to when the assessment roll would begin assessing the interest. Motion seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The mayor called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Police Department:
- Police Update/Monthly Activity Report:
Chief Fullmer reviewed the statistical report for the month of January 2023. The January report summary had 9 arrests, 35 traffic citations, 278 traffic stops along with a tabulation of incident by call.
- Easter Egg Event Support:
Chief Fullmer also stated he had been approached by the county sheriff if the Rigby Police Dept. would participate with this year’s Easter Egg Hunt. Being new he was unsure what the city has done in past years. Comment from the council that the city has purchased items for the scavenger hunt. Council questioned the level the county participates and the city would participate. The chief will get more information and report back to the council.
- Shield616 Program/Border to Border Program:
The Shield616 Program is a nation-wide program assisting law enforcement departments to raise funds for the purchase of specialized body armor. Jefferson County and the City of Rigby would like to partner with Shield616 to raise $85,000 for 26 county officers and 10 city officers body armor. Each vest cost around $2,400. The Border-to-Border program is an effort to have sponsors donate at various levels to raised funds. The Border-to-Border kickoff will be held July 19th with the proposed bike ride of 353 miles in 4 days. One officer has indicated interest in participating. The mayor also indicated he may participate.
Review Dec 2022 Financial Statement/Journal Entries
The clerk reviewed the December 2022 financial statements and indicated revenues were under budget due to the timing of property tax collections for the funds receiving property tax. Expenditures were below budget but for the airport with expended funds for the taxi runway for which funds have not been received. He commented he saw nothing out of the norm to cause concern.
Baseball Fields – Hiring Director/Intern:
The mayor stated he had contacted the internship department at BYU and they do have a program where intern programs can be posted. The program usually allows for 400 hours of paid compensation. Council discussed the program and the need for someone to assist in the ball fields maintenance and the scheduling of the ball fields between the different organizations. The question of posting the job opening versus just going to BYU was discussed and the mayor will consult with the attorney prior to proceeding.
Approval of Minutes:
Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the minutes of February 2, 2023 seconded by Councilman Orme.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed with Councilman R Burke and Councilwoman King abstaining.
Review and Approval of Bills:
Councilman Orme moved to approve the bills of February 16, 2023, seconded by Councilwoman King.
The mayor called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman R Burke Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Executive Session -74-206(b): An evaluation of an employee:
Councilwoman Harrison moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:33pm
Richard Datwyler, Mayor
David Swager, Clerk
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City Council