December 5, 2024 – Council Minutes

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Regular Council Meeting: 

Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Dec 5, 2024.  The pledge of allegiance was given by Alex Espinosa and the prayer given by Tim Howe.      

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman Espinosa Present 

Councilman Howe Present 

Councilwoman Harrison Present   

Councilman Stone Present    

Councilwoman Hillman Present    

Councilman Wilder Absent  

Also present: Sam Angell, Mitch Bradley and Allen Fullmer 

Amend Agenda: 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to amend the order of the agenda, the proposed changes to the city ordinances following public comment, seconded by Councilman Espinosa.  

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.   

Public Comment: 

Mark Bramwell spoke in favor of the city adding small animal clinics to be allowed in the city. 

Resolution #221-2024 – Consent of city to join ambulance if district is formed: 

Deputy fire chief, Jared Giannini, stepped forward and explained to the council the fire department is establishing an ambulance and will need a separate tax district.  As such, the city could elect to either be part of the ambulance district or not.  Similar, to what happened when central fire was established and the city dissolved their volunteer fire department. 

The council reviewed resolution #221-2024.  Councilman Stone moved to approve and adopt resolution #221-2024 seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.  

The mayor called for a roll call poll: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes    

Councilwoman Hillman Yes

Proposed Changes in City’s Ordinances: 

Iona Hansen, planning zoning director, along with Melanie Smoot, consultant, stepped forward and reviewed various city code sections dealing with winter snow parking restrictions time, underground facility for service connections for cable, cellphones, gas lines, power utility and other such types of service lines, defining specific water meters to be installed, increasing the depth of new asphalt for new road construction, lift station responsibility of the developer to install to city’s specs, grab sample time and grease and oil tests, size of water lines in R-3 buildings, height of buildings allowed in the city, parking space for commercial reduced from 500 feet to 300 feet, multi-dwelling parking spaces needed with garage requirement, changes in street widths and right-of-way access, size and requirement to use mow strips, new roads require chip seal, uniform standard for street lighting, clarification for police classification of infractions and fee associated with same, restricted truck/trailer parking, defining when a traffic study is required, changing the percentage of green space required, changing the acreage needed for a Planned Unit Development (PUD), adding a provision for club house in a PUD, adding small animal clinics for commercial zones, allowing for zero-base landscaping, eliminating billboards from city limits, including condominium development as part of PUD development code.  

The council had an internal discussion among themselves and with Iona and Melanie, including Chief Fullmer and Mitch on all the topics.  Changes were to be made in spelling, verbiage and other items with the changes to be brought back to the council.  

Employee Christmas Chamber bucks:

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the annual Christmas award for city employees and volunteers to be $50 seconded by Councilman Stone.

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.  

Christmas Dinner & Early Christmas Eve Closure: 

Christmas Dinner: 

Being late in the season the golf course has an open date of Dec 13, which would not work for the majority of the council.  It was determined to check on January 10 or Jan 11, 2025, if those dates are available to hold the dinner.   

Early Christmas Eve Closure: 

Early city hall closing Christmas Eve: the council discussed half day closing versus full day closure.  

Councilman Espinosa moved to close the city hall and other city facilities all day December 24 to be classified as a paid holiday seconded by Councilwoman Hillman.

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Bleacher Design: 

 Alan Cotton, representing WakOnSolutions, reviewed a draft proposal of the bleacher on the north side of the rodeo grounds.  One alternative instead of using the ones recently acquired would be to tear off the wood from the existing forms and replace them with aluminum from the ones acquired.  The idea being there would not have to be any tear out or other alterations to the arena.  Mitch will work up an RFP using aluminum everywhere possible.  

Review and Approval of Minutes: 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the minutes of November 21, 2024 seconded by Councilman Stone.  

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed with Councilwoman Hillman abstaining. 

Review and Approval of Bills: 

The clerk noted there was a supplemental bill list totaling $11,416.28 that needed to be added to the list.  Councilman Howe moved a approve the bill list with the addition of the $11,416.28 seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.  

The mayor called for a roll call poll: 

Councilman Espinosa Yes  

Councilman Howe Yes 

Councilwoman Harrison Yes  

Councilman Stone Yes    

Councilwoman Hillman Yes


Councilwoman Harrison moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman Espinosa.

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.

Meeting adjourned: 8:45pm



Richard Datwyler, Mayor



David Swager, Clerk 

The minutes of December 5, 2024 were approved on a voice poll at the December 19, 2024 council meeting with 4 in favor none opposed with Councilman Wilder abstaining. 

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