December 19, 2024 – Council Minutes

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Mayor Datwyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, Dec 19, 2024.  The pledge of allegiance was given by Mike Wilder and the prayer given by Alex Espinosa.      

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman Espinosa Present 

Councilman Howe Present 

Councilwoman Harrison Present   

Councilman Stone Present    

Councilman Wilder Present  

Councilwoman Hillman Absent    

Also present: Sam Angell, Mitch Bradley and Allen Fullmer 

Public Comment: 

Mark Bramwell spoke concerning the small animal clinic being considered in the city’s revised ordinances.  

Police Department: 

  • Chief Fullmer introduced to the council Officer McGrath and Reserve Officer Taylor Romrell.  Both have completed the POST training, with officer Romrell doing so at his own expense. 
  • Office Phone system – The office phone system has been having issues with called not being disconnected when the party hangs up the handset.  Dean Stutzman, representing BPS system checked the issue and found it’s the line from Century Link that needs to be upgraded. BPS has submitted a proposal for a new digital system that has enhanced features over the Century Link system and in addition it comes at a lower price per month.  The new system being considered has 12 handsets that will allow email transcription, call recording, texting and e-fax.  The cost for 36 month is $219.37 per month.  The Century Link system average cost runs $400 per month.  

After council discussion: Councilman Howe moved to approve the proposal with GO TO for the $219.37 month for 36-month term, seconded by Councilman Stone.  

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman Espinosa Yes 

Councilman Howe Yes

Councilwoman Harrison Yes 

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

Mountain Ridge PUD/Steve Billman: 

Ryan Loftus, representing Steve Billman, came forward and reviewed the prior decision that occurred in 2019.  The development was approved in 2019 dependent on the development gaining a second access.  Nothing had been done as far as obtaining a second access nor had the plat been recorded or filed with Jefferson County.  Since 2019 the city revised their zoning regulation relating to R-2 and R-3 zones and the minimum parking spaces were changed.  The owner is requesting the zone be changed and be allowed to have R-2 development with the number of units being built cut back.  The council reviewed the development and felt parking as an issue.  In addition, the plan was considered a major revision with the number of units be cut back and it was recommended the developer start over at the P&Z commission with a new plat.  

Councilman Howe moved to not reconsider the request from Mountain Ridge due to the plat not being recorded and the lapse of time between approval and the current date.  Motion seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.  

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman Espinosa Yes 

Councilman Howe Yes

Councilwoman Harrison Yes 

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes

Santa and Elf: 

Santa and his elf presented the council with a browning and wished everyone Merry Christmas.

Review of Proposed Amendment to City Ordinances: 

The council reviewed the changes made to the ordinances that were discussed in the December 5, 2024 meeting.  The changes were incorporated in the draft presented this evening.  Ione Hansen made one additional change and requested that any reference to condominium (Title 10, Chapter 11) be removed at this time.  She noted there were differences between planned unit development and condominium which needed to be separated in the ordinances and not tied together.   

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the changes made including the deletion of condominium that the notice of public hearing be published and date of public hearing be set subject to the notice of hearing seconded by Councilman Wilder.  

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Rescheduling January 2025 council meetings: 

The city’s council meeting have been set to be the first and third Thursday of every month.  For January 2025 the first council meeting scheduled is for January 2, 2025 and January 9, 2025.  The mayor may be absent on the 2nd along with one or two other council members and the mayor recommended the dates for the January 2025 meeting be the second and fourth Thursday in January, 2025 only.  

Councilwoman Harrison moved to reschedule the January 2025 council meeting to be January 9th and January 23, 2025, second by Councilman Espinosa.  

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Firework Permit:

Broulim’s Supermarket has applied for a permit to sell fireworks between December 16 and January 16, 2025.  

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the fireworks permit for Broulim’s seconded by Councilman Stone.  

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Year end financial statements review: 

The clerk presented an excel spreadsheet showing the actual & budget revenues and expenditures along with a net revenue over expenditures column.  He noted all of the funds had positive revenues exceeding expenditures but for the rodeo, WWTP fund and the water tank fund.  The WWTP fund and the water tank fund is not unexpected.  The rodeo fund lost $27,379 for the year with the Stampede days event, track operation and horse barns accounting for the losses.  

Clerk Position: 

The mayor informed the council he had interviewed two individuals this week and has one more interview to be conducted this coming Monday afternoon.  The process in hiring a new clerk/treasurer will be for the mayor to make a recommendation with the council confirming the nomination along with the beginning salary.  

Review and Approval of Minutes: 

Councilman Espinosa moved to approve the minutes of December 5, 2024, seconded by Councilman Stone.

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed with Councilman Wilder abstaining.  

Review and Approval of Bills: 

The clerk indicates that in lieu of awarding the employee of the year a $100 Chamber buck that the mayor approved a prepaid VISA card in the amount of $100.  This has been added to the prior bill list mailed Friday.  

Councilman Wilder moved to approve the bills including the $100 to the Bank of Commerce seconded by Councilman Howe.  

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman Espinosa Yes 

Councilman Howe Yes

Councilwoman Harrison Yes 

Councilman Stone Yes   

Councilman Wilder Yes


Councilman Stone moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman Espinosa.

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM. 



Richard Datwyler



David Swager, Clerk

The minutes of December 19, 2024, were approved by a voice poll of the council on January 9, 2025 – with Councilman Stone moving to approve and Councilman Howe seconding the motion – all in favor none opposed. 

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