April 6, 2023 – Council Minutes
Click Here to Download PDFIn the mayor’s absence, Council President Harrison called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, April 6, 2023. The pledge of allegiance was given by Aliza King and the prayer given by Doug Burke.
The chair asked the clerk to call the roll:
Councilman Orme Present
Councilman D Burke Present
Councilman Wilder Present
Councilwoman King Present
Councilwoman Harrison Present
Councilman R. Burke Absent
Also in attendance: Mitch Bradley, Chief Fullmer
Amend Order of Business:
Councilwoman King moved to amend the order of business to discuss the proclamations following public comment, seconded by Councilman Wilder.
The chair called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Public Comment:
Paula Johnson: concerned with the warranty work yet to be completed on Tall Ave for the work done during the LID construction.
Derrick Chandler: Express concern and frustration over the number and frequency that rabbits are allowed to run at large along Fremont Ave. The rabbits are defecating on his sidewalk and digging under the fence to gain access into his back yard. He has trapped the rabbits several times over the past weeks, but they keep getting out.
National Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month:
The chair reads the proclamation declaring April as “National Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month.” At the conclusion representatives from the Child Advocate Center presented the chair with a tee shirt and expressed their thanks to the city.
Fair Housing Month:
The chair reads the proclamation declaring April as “Fair Housing Month.”
Library Board:
The chair indicated the mayor is nominating James Moore as a replacement for Mrs. Baxter to the library board.
Councilwoman King moved to accept the nomination of James Moore to the library board seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The chair called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Acquire Additional Water Rights:
Delbert Kohtz, representing Idaho Water Company, came forward and informed the council he is in the business of acquiring water rights. He recently completed a transfer of water to the city of Idaho Falls and Ammon. He indicated there may be 40 acres of water rights coming within the Rigby area and wanted to inform the council. The council expressed the need for additional water and yes, the city would be interested in securing additional water rights.
Change Order Wastewater Treatment Plant:
Mitch Bradley presented a change order in the laying of pipes created due to the error in design not agreeing with the actual placement of the existing pipes. The actual WAS lines as installed by McAvain during the NOVODA installation in 2020 were not installed to the correct location as required in the design but were allowed to be moved east, not in accordance with the site plans. Keller’s used the original site plans in designing the location of the ditches for the clarifiers and assumed the lines were placed as designed. Because the NOVDA waste lines were too far to the east from their designed location a change is required. Due to the engineering design error the change order is required to move the lines back to the west and to replace the existing pipes. The city crew felt they could dig the new trench at a cheaper price than the price quoted by RSCI hence the two change order requests for the new pipe and connectors. The new piping and connection will be completed by RSCI at a price of $21,385 and by having the city crew dig the trench a saving of $14,564 as achieved.
Councilman Orme and Councilwoman King expressed frustration with the design errors that keep creeping up. Councilman Orme felt the engineer should be responsible for part of the costs due to their error in design versus actual.
Purchase of John Deere Backhoe:
Mitch Bradley presented a proposal for the purchase of a John Deere 320 backhoe. The backhoe would not be available until late September 2023 but he needs to secure it prior to September or it would be a year out. The backhoe is being piggybacked on the state bid and doing so the city is able to obtain the state’s price of $131,326.89, a saving of $102,927.27.
Councilman Wilder moved to authorize a purchase order be sent to Honnen Equip. securing the John Deere Backhoe for $102,927 to be purchased after October 1, 2023, seconded Councilwoman King.
The chair called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman Wilder Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Rocky Mountain Power Service Agreement:
Mr. Bradley presented the council with a service agreement from Rocky Mountain Power to supply service to the Sugar Mill subdivision at a connection cost of $1,558. Councilman Wilder expressed concern as to why the developer is not paying the fee. Mr. Bradley stated he had not thought of this in the past but he would discuss the service agreement fee with Ione Hansen to have it included in the development agreements going forward.
Councilwoman King moved to authorize the service agreement with Rocky Mountain Power seconded by Councilman Orme.
The chair called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman Wilder Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Police Update:
Chief Fullmer came and updated the council on the water damage to the evidence room, the recent drug bust done by Officer Erickson and Parkinson, and the issue with the rabbits along Fremont Ave. He also informed the council of the new officer that has been given a conditional hire. Chief Fullmer is extremely impressed with the candidate and stated had there been 20 applicants he would have been ranked towards the top.
3rd Reading of Ordinance # 2023-633 – Confirming Assessment of LID #10:
Councilwoman King moved to read Ordinance #2023-633 in title and summary seconded by Councilman
The chair called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Councilman Orme moved to adopt and to publish Ordinance #2023-633 seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The chair called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman Wilder Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
1st Reading Ordinance #2023-634 – Annexation of RGBY Holdings LLC:
Councilwoman King moved to read in title and summary only Ordinance #2023-634 seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The chair called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
After reading ordinance 2023-634 the chair asked if anyone wanted to suspend the rules to forego readings #2 and #3. Hearing none the second reading will be placed on the next agenda.
Approval of Beer & Liquor License:
The liquor license of the Subway Bar has been sold and the new owner is applying for a new liquor license under the name of “Offramp Bar & Grill.”
Councilwoman King moved to approve the liquor license for the Offramp Bar/Grill seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The chair called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Review of February 2023 Financial Statements & Journal Entries:
The clerk reviewed the February 2023 financial statements. He commented that the budget for the snow removal exceeded the budgeted amount by $34,000. The budget for snow removal is based on prior years and with this year’s heavy snow fall the budget exceeded prior years. But for the snow account all other funds are within budget. Revenues are falling in line with budget, except for the rodeo fund which has yet to begin operations. Journal entries were recurring posting of interest and the charges for internal charges.
Other Council Business:
Reminder of the AIC meeting next Tuesday and the Easter Egg hunt this Saturday beginning at 10:00am in Wilson Park.
Approval of Minutes:
Councilwoman King moved to approve the minutes of March 16, 2023, seconded by Councilman D Burke.
The chair called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed with Councilwoman Harrison abstaining.
Review and Approval of Bills:
Councilwoman King moved to approve the bills with the addition of the bill from Rocky Mountain Power in the amount of $1,558 seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The chair called for a roll call poll:
Councilman Orme Yes
Councilman D Burke Yes
Councilman Wilder Yes
Councilwoman King Yes
Councilwoman Harrison Yes
Councilman D Burke moved to adjourn seconded by Councilwoman Harrison.
The chair called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed.
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 pm
Richard Datwyler, Mayor
David Swager, Clerk
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