April 20, 2023 – Council Minutes

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The mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Thursday, April 20, 2023.   The pledge of allegiance was given by Becky Harrison and the prayer given by Richard Datwyler.          

The mayor asked the clerk to call the roll:

Councilman Orme                            Present

Councilman D Burke                        Present      

Councilman Wilder                          Present     

Councilwoman Harrison                Present

Councilman R. Burke                      Absent     

Councilwoman King                         Absent      

Also in attendance:  Mitch Bradley, Chief Fullmer, Attorney Angell

Public Comment: 

Marvin Fielding – stepped forward and informed the council that Friday, April 21, will be his last day being employed with Keller’s.  He has taken another job and is leaving Keller’s. 

Farmers’ Market:

Carrie Monson requested the use of a portion of the Veteran Park to host the Farmers’ Market.  She requested the park be reserved every Wednesday beginning the second week of May 2023 through Labor Day.

Councilwoman Harrison moved to allow Mrs. Monson the use of the Veteran Park to host the Farmers’ Market beginning May 2023 through Labor Day seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Library Board:

The mayor administered the oath of office to James Moore for the library board. 


Building Inspection Services:  Jim Lynch came forward and presented the council with a proposal to do the building inspection services.  He has worked for Jefferson County and the state of Idaho as a residential and commercial building inspector.  He has terminated his employment with the state and would like to do the inspections for the city.  He lives in Jefferson County and will be available for inspections Monday through Friday during normal business hours 8:00 am to 5:00pm.  Planning zoning administrator Hansen stated the county has had a high turnover in staff and delays were being encountered in getting inspections and final CO out.  The county has changed its building computer software twice and both changes are not user-friendly and very difficult to navigate and use.

Councilwoman Harrison expressed concern about having to do a RFQ for professional services.  The attorney reviewed the statues and informed the council inspections services were outside the requirements. 

Councilman Orme expressed concern with various verbiage and language in the contact as to clarity and definition.  He suggested the item be tabled pending clarification and a cleaner version be presented.

Discussion among the council and the attorney wherein the attorney had a copy of the proposal and would assist in editing the contract that needed clarification.

Councilman D Burke moved to accept the contract subject to the final edit of the proposal by the attorney seconded by Councilman Wilder. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman Orme                            Yes

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Wilder                          Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Reconsideration of Extension of Time Approval of Final Plat:

Trent Tyler came forward and stated the plat that was approved back on April 18, 2019, was delayed for a number of reasons: COVID, high lumber prices and marketability of the homes.  The concept of catering to homes for residents over 55 years of age that was proposed in 2019 has been duplicated in the Eagle Rest subdivision.  Those homes are selling at a price around $400,000.  Since lumber prices have come done to pre-COVID prices they feel they can build a quality home under $400,000 that is affordable. 

Councilman Wilder felt the homes were not excessive given the size of the lot and there were not 4-plexes which most of the adjacent homeowners were opposed to.  Councilman Orme remembered the discussion years ago when he was on the planning and zoning board.  Councilwoman Harrison and Orme discussed their individual interpretation of the wording in the code for when approval is granted and when it expires within the 2-year period.  The approval is void if construction is not started within 2 years unless an extension is granted by the council to extend the time. 

Councilman Wilder moved to grant an extension of time until December 31, 2023, in which construction must begin or the plat will be deemed void seconded by Councilwoman Harrison. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman Orme                            Yes

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Wilder                          Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes

Request for Proposals (RFQ):

The RFQ for engineering services is due April 25, 2023.  A committee is needed to review the proposals and rank the individual firms by the service to be provided. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to appoint Councilwoman King, Harrison, Councilman Orme and Mitch Bradley to the committee to review and rank the proposals seconded by Councilman D Burke.

The mayor called for a voice poll: all in favor none opposed. 

Proposed Fee for Elevation of Sewer Manholes:

Horrocks Engineers is conducting the sewer study for evaluation to initiate impact fees.  Part of their study is to determine if the city has the capacity for future growth and where growth could or would be impacted for lack of services or where services is adequate.  Drew Geiger from Horrocks spoke to the council via zoom.  He stated the city does not have a GIS system available to identify manholes on either the main truck lines or the arterial lines.  Horrocks is proposing to do the needed GIS data on the 108 main sewer trunk lines or all 340 manholes within the city.  The fees range from $17,550 for the 108 or $54,600 for the 340 manholes.  Mitch Bradley stated he has some (12-14) of the needed information but not all.  Councilwoman Harrison and the clerk both indicated the city paid Killers’ for the plans for any sewer work and therefore owned the plans and Keller’s should provide copies of the sewer system that they have done over the years.  Keller’s, who were present during the discussion, stated they have the print plans for the work they have done for the city but retrieving that data would be costly, but they do not have the GIS data.  Horrocks indicated that if they had the print plans, they could convert them to the GIS data bank and install it on the county’s GIS system for the city’s future use and information.  The council decided to table further discussion with the following steps to be taken. Mitch will give the plans is able to locate in city hall to Horrocks.  Kellers will be asked to provide the plans they have readily available on their server after Mitch has provided the plans he has.  After which, Horrocks will evaluate their fee for what is still needed to complete the sewer study.  

UV Channel in new Wastewater Treatment Plant:

Mitch Bradley updated the council he has with the new UV channel that was recently installed in the wastewater treatment plant.  He showed pictures of the channel showing poorly prepared forms which are leaking and will not hold water.  The UV channel will have water in it 24-hours day all 365 days a year.  The channel has failed several tests due to excessive leakage and has failed the water retention allowed by the specs.   The contractor and Keller’s have proposed plugging the leaks with an epoxy which no one has been able to confirm its life expectancy. 

The council discussed ramifications if the channel continues to fail and what recourse the city has.  Keller’s indicated that once the channel meets the specification it will be accepted.  But the concern with the longevity of the epoxy was a concern.  Councilman Orme indicated that the city obtains information as to the warranty of the epoxy and review it after everyone knows. 

Police Update:

Chief Fullmer reviewed the month-end statistics with the council.  Presented an update on the department’s new hire and status of the K-9 dog. 

2nd Reading Ordinance #2023-634 – Annexation of RGBY Holding LLC:

Councilman Wilder moved to read in title and summary only ordinance #2023-634 seconded by Councilwoman Harrison. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

The mayor reads ordinance in the title and summary. 

Revised Code for Garbage and Refuse:

Sam Angell discussed the revision of the city’s code relating to the garbage and refuse system.  He focused on the enforcement of violations and used the system Rexburg is using.  The violation penalty is tied to the city utility billing for water and the city has the right to shut off water services for failure to pay or to follow the code on sanitation.  The council noted several inconsistencies in the proposed code which need correction.  Mr. Angell will take those and redraft the code.

Other Council Business:

Ballfield Intern:  The mayor informed the council that the individual the city had planned to hire as an intern fell through.  He met with the two individuals this week and designated each to handle and schedule each ballfield.  He felt the season is too far along to attempt to drop the two individuals and attempt to hire a new person.  The proposal is not perfect, but the city will learn and go forward.  Councilman D Burke expressed the desire that the city hire an individual to specifically work the ball fields. 

Steve Cook:  Councilman D Burke pasted around a note of appreciation written by Steve Cook’s widow thanking the city for the flowers at Steve’s funeral. 

Approval of Minutes:

Councilman Wilder moved to approve the minutes of April 6, 2023, seconded by Councilman Orme. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Review and Approval of Bills:

The clerk indicated there was one addition to the check list, a check payable to Carissa Wilkins for $1,000.  The check was in accordance with the council’s desire to fund the scholarship initiated by Gracie Partridge. 

Councilwoman Harrison moved to approve the bills including the check to Carissa Wilkins for $1,0000 seconded by Councilman Orme. 

The mayor called for a roll call poll:

Councilman Orme                            Yes

Councilman D Burke                        Yes      

Councilman Wilder                          Yes    

Councilwoman Harrison                Yes


Councilman Orme moved to adjourn seconded by Councilman D Burke. 

The mayor called for a voice poll:  all in favor none opposed.

Meeting adjourned: 9:50pm



                                                Richard Datwyler, Mayor



David Swager, Clerk

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